This is a demo version of Discus. We can only show a fraction of the
artwork available in the program; the full version has over 900
backgrounds, over 1,200,000,000 pixels of artwork.
We have also removed the user manuals for the other languages,
and all the sound effects.
1. System Requirements
Discus requires:
Ñ 8-40 Mb of RAM free (dependent on number and size of graphics files imported)
Ñ no hard disk space
Ñ Windows 95, 98, NT4, 2000, ME, XP
Ñ Quicktime is needed for import of JPEG and other file formats
2. Installation
Quicktime installation:
If you don't have Quicktime on your computer yet, version 5 is available on the Discus CDROM.
You can also obtain a free version of Quicktime from
This free utility from Apple Computer has many uses, and is necessary for the best operation of Discus. Windows users can run D:QuickTimeInstaller, where D is replaced by your CDROM drive letter.
Please send any suggestions or questions to,